How Does the Search Work?

A closer look on how to best utilize the search function

Team Sang Lucci & Wall St. Jesus avatar
Written by Team Sang Lucci & Wall St. Jesus
Updated over a week ago


Use the search box in the top right corner to find messages and replies that match the search terms that you enter. All channels that you are a member of are searched.

  • Multiple-word search terms return results that contain all of the terms.

  • When results appear, click Jump to view that post in the channel archive.

  • File attachments and their filenames are not searched. If file attachments show up in the search results, it’s because they are attached to messages that match the search query.

  • You can use search modifiers such as from:dave to return results only from certain people or in certain channels. For more information about this, see the Search Modifiers section.

Like many search engines, common words such as the, which, and are (known as “stop words”), as well as two-letter and one-letter search terms, are not shown in search because they typically return too many results.

Search Modifiers

Search Modifiers offer a selection of search filters to narrow down your query.

from: and in:

Use from: to find posts from specific users and in: to find posts in specific public or private channels, as well as direct and group messages. Channels can be searched by display name or ID.

  • For example Searching TSLA in:Steamroom only returns messages in the Steam room that contain TSLA

  • Searching TSLA in: @john.doe returns messages that contain TSLA in your direct message history with John Doe.

before:, after:, and on:

Use before: to find posts before a specified date and after: to find posts after a specified date. Use both before: and after: together to search in a specified date range. Use on: to find posts from a specific date.

You can use the date picker to select a date or you can type it in YYYY-MM-DD format. For example:

  • Searching MSFT before: 2018-09-01 will return messages containing the keyword MSFT posted prior to September 1, 2018.

  • Searching MSFT after: 2018-08-01 will return messages containing the keyword MSFT posted after August 1, 2018.

  • Searching MSFT before: 2018-09-01 after: 2018-08-01 will return all messages that contain the keyword website that were posted between August 1, 2018, and September 1, 2018.

  • Searching MSFT on: 2018-09-01 will return messages that contain the keyword website that was posted on September 1, 2018.


Use the - symbol to exclude posts from your search results. For example, test -release will only return results with the word test that also do not contain the word release.

This can be used in combination with modifiers to refine search results. For example, test -release -in:release-discussion -from:eric will return all results with the word test, excluding posts with the word release, excluding posts made in the release-discussion channel, and excluding posts from @eric.

Quotation Marks

Use quotation marks to return search results for exact terms.

  • For example: Searching "FB Earnings" returns messages containing the exact phrase FB Earnings website, but not messages containing Facebook and Earnings separately.


Use the * character for wildcard searches that match within words.

  • For example: Searching for rea* brings back messages containing reach, reason and other words starting with rea.


Hashtags are searchable labels for posts. Search for any posts containing a hashtag by clicking the hashtag in an existing post or typing the hashtag with the pound symbol into the search bar. Create hashtags in any post by using the pound sign # followed by alphanumeric or other unicode characters.

Valid hashtags:

  • Don’t start with a number.

  • Are at least 3 characters long, excluding the #.

  • Are made up of alphanumeric or other unicode characters.

  • May contain dots, dashes, or underscores.

  • Examples: #bug, #marketing, #user_testing, #per.iod, #check-in, #마케팅

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